So, this morning Mike, Rob, Karl, Grant, Sarah, and Liza all went to Typhoon Lagoon! (We had to go some time between now and Feb 27 or we'd have to pay) Today was the best day to go because the high was about 73 degrees. Unfortunately, when we got there it was only about 65 degrees (which is a little chilly, even for a Rhode Islander). But, there were no lines, we got right on everything really fast, and the water was HEATED! It was such a great time. We went on every attraction in the park! And we were done by about 2:30pm so we had time to go to another park. Since I hadn't been to DHS yet, that's where we went! We got some great pictures with some characters and we learned how to draw Donald Duck!
All-in-all, it was a great day.

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